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    VIP | Pay-in-full $897.00$897.00
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    VIP | Payment Plan 12 Monthly Payments of $78.5012x $78.50

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The Style Blueprint$0

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  • 1xThe Style Blueprint$0

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“The biggest reason I joined the TSB was due to the fact that I felt overwhelmed when I would go in my closet to pick out clothes for the day. I felt overwhelmed by my closet I thought I dressed decent. But after I feel much more at ease knowing how to dress my body type and utilizing colors in my season. That was probably the most helpful was the color portion of thd TSB. I think someone should join because it changed my mind on clothes and I am more aware of what style is for me and not just buying to buy clothes. Overall all of the information I learned from with in TSB was a huge gain in my opinion.”

Julia Gorham
